How to Calm your anxiety and stress with these natural herbs

Brewing a cup of fresh ginger tea is one of the quickest ways to enjoy ginger's anxiety- and stress-relieving effect. You can also use it as a digestive or detoxing aid.
 Ginkgo Biloba
As reported by Mayo Clinic, Ginkgo biloba is one of the top-selling medicinal herbs in the United States. Scientific evidence suggests that it may help alleviate the symptoms of dementia, anxiety, schizophrenia, and cerebral insufficiency (insufficient blood flow to brain).
Valerian Root
Whenever you are stressed, this herb can help you to have a proper night's rest. Valerian root has long been used as a natural remedy to treat restlessness and insomnia. It calms the mind and assists in a quick and easy sleep.
Many people drink chamomile tea after a stressful day to unwind and relax. Its oil has a calming scent which has shown to ease feelings of anxiety and depression.
Lavender essential oil is well known for its calming and relaxing effect. It strengthens the nervous system and creates inner peace. In clinical trials, the inhalation of lavender essential oil has shown to reduce stress and anxiety.
Bergamot essential oil has a calming effect and is often used in aromatherapy to treat depression. A 2011 study found that a blend of bergamot and lavender essential oil can successfully be used as a medicine to treat depression and anxiety.
St. John's Wort
While this herb has commonly been used to treat depression, there is some good evidence that it may also help with symptoms of stress and anxiety. As reported by Before It's News, many people suffering anxiety attacks have reported a quick relief when the herb is taken on a regular basis.
Eucalyptus is a popular herb used in hundreds of natural remedies. Some sources suggest that it works wonders in the treatment of acute anxiety attacks.
Meadow sweet
If you often struggle from stress-induced headaches, then meadow sweet is for you. It contains a compound called salicin which is very similar to aspirin and possibly more effective because it does not pollute the liver. Furthermore, this herbal extract may resolve tension and anxiety.
Jojoba oil has a soothing effect on body and mind which may help you relax during times of excessive stress and feelings of anxiety. It is often used as a base for massage oils or other body products. It works great in combination with stress- and anxiety-relieving essential oils.

If you are on prescription medication, make sure to consult your doctor before you start to use these herbs and quit your current treatment.



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