Boost your bedroom performances

According to historians, ancient Egyptians used garlic to boost their stamina. Researchers have confirmed that consuming the plant helps stop the formation of new fatty deposits, called Nano plaques, inside arterial walls. Yes, that includes the arteries leading to your penis, too. Keep your heart healthy and your erections strong by adding some garlic to your weekly dishes. But bear in mind that garlic won't make your breath smell particularly seductive—so you can keep it out of your date-night diet.

If you like your food like you like your lovers—sweet and spicy—you're in luck. Ginger is another food that can improve your sex life by aiding blood flow and improving artery health. According to a study in the International Journal of Cardiology, consuming a mere teaspoon of the stuff a few times a week is all you need to reap the heart-healthy benefits. So, go ahead and place that second order of sushi this week—just don't leave the ginger on your plate.

Fitting, right? This sexual innuendo may be able to help you go, that’s because this tropical fruit is full of simple carbs to provide you with energy and potassium to help you keep going. The muscle-relaxing mineral prevents cramps and muscle spasms that may impede your sexy time.

Watermelon is one of the richest natural sources of L-citrulline, an amino acid that can help make your erection harder. That's because L-citrulline converts to L-arginine once it's in the body. Like that little blue pill, L-arginine stimulates the production of nitric oxide, which increases blood flow to the penis, strengthening erections.

Chili pepper
Your mind is telling you no, but your body's telling you yes? Get your mentality on the same page as your body by adding some Serrano peppers to a stir fry, jalapenos to guacamole, or cayenne pepper to your eggs. Why all the pepper? Each fruit contains a significant amount of capsaicin, the compound that makes tabasco sauce hot, releases chemicals that increase heart rate, mirrors signs of arousal, and revs up your libido. The bottom line? Munching on these spicy foods won't only boost your metabolism, they will get you in the mood for the evening's festivities and increase your duration in the game.


If you want to go long enough to help your date reach the big-O (hint: you should), reach for some oatmeal. The popular breakfast cereal is a good source of l-arginine, an amino acid commonly used to treat erectile dysfunction. Plus, whole grains like oatmeal also help lower cholesterol levels. Having high cholesterol can lead to atherosclerosis, a condition that clogs and narrows arteries, impairing blood flow. This could eventually lead to heart problems, but you'll likely notice issues below the belt first. The arteries surrounding the genital area are narrower than coronary blood vessels, so they're more susceptible to clots. Simply put: the better your cholesterol levels are, the better your erection will be, too. So, you start your night with these overnight oats.


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